The need for innovation in agriculture has never been more urgent. Our industry is grappling with rapid changes in policy and trade, heightened volatility, and climate and nature crises.

Research is vital to help understand these challenges and find ways to address them. But research providers and funders need to understand the industry’s priorities on the ground, which is why it’s essential that farmers’ voices are heard and listened to.

Innovation for Agriculture invites you to take part in a workshop so your views are included

The workshop will take place online on Tuesday 28th November 6pm-7.30pm, and will last 90 minutes. To join the workshop or request more details, email Laura Palczynski on

We are inviting all the farmers in our network to join, as this is an excellent opportunity to share your knowledge and experience in the sector to influence future research.

This will be one of several workshops that we and other organisations are hosting. As a group of farming and research organisations, we are teaming up to understand research and innovation priorities for farmers and growers across the UK. We will include views from all major agricultural sectors across a wide diversity of farming systems, and from businesses and organisations that influence the industry’s direction.

This work builds on the Feeding the Future review ten years ago, which was updated in 2017. This had a substantial impact on government research funding in agriculture. 

What do I do if I agree to be involved?

If you agree to participate, you would:

  • Take part in the workshop. You will need to join the meeting via a smartphone, tablet or computer. The facilitator will share information and record your views using an online tool. You will be able to see this and, if you wish, add to it directly.
  • Briefly introduce yourself to the group at the start of the meeting. This information would be recorded only to ensure we are covering a range of different farming situations across the UK. Your name would not be reported.
  • Discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the industry, and research and innovation needs to address them. The workshop facilitator will offer prompts, and aim to understand and note your views alongside those of others taking in part in the discussion.

What will happen to the results of these workshops?

Once we have received the notes from all the workshops, we will analyse these to draw out agricultural research and innovation priorities across the industry, including those that are specific to sub-sectors, regions or systems. 

The findings and an outline of the process will be written up in a report that we will publish and share with research funders, policy makers and research providers. 

To book your place on the workshop email Laura on